Terms & Condition

The privacy of our customers is a top priority at Migoo Equipments. The sorts of information we gather, and record and how we utilize it are detailed in this Privacy Policy document.

The kinds of Personal Information we gather and how we use, keep, share, and secure it are all covered by our terms and conditions. It also outlines your options and rights in relation to your personal information, as well as how to get in touch with us to ask questions about our privacy policies.

How do we use your personal information?

The renter must deliver the equipment to the designated drop-off point. If the renter returns the equipment within 15 days of telling the Owner that they will no longer be using it, the Owner may decide to charge the renter for the expense of replacing the item.

The following uses of your Personal Information are possible:

  • To interact with the customers
  • Providing the services to you
  • Establishing the user's legitimacy, spotting any fraud, and otherwise preserving the Services' security
  • Creating, evaluating, enhancing, and displaying the Services
  • Establishing and managing a billing and payment processing system for your customers
  • Information is anonymized and aggregated for reporting and analysis
  • Promoting, distributing, and branding the services

Log files

We employ log files as a standard technique at Migoo equipment. This information evaluates the individuals who click on the websites. It is common practice across all hosting providers' analytics programs.

IP addresses, version of your browser, Internet service provider (ISP), reference sites, location, and timings are among the data that log files collect. It is not linked to any personally identifiable data. The information is used for trend evaluation, website management, user behavior monitoring, and demographic data collection.


Migoo will install the cookie on your browser when you visit our website to track the details. On your computer, a cookie keeps a small data file. Through location, preferences, gender, site visits, and other information, this file allows us to identify you each time you visit us and assists us in giving you customized and targeted adverts to help you better and improve your experience convenient.

Damage & Risk for Equipment

The renter assumes the risk of loss and the equipment being damaged from any causes, including damages from lightning, fire, flood, and other acts of God.

In the instance that the equipment is lost or suffers any form of damage, the renter must inform the Management as soon as possible, and, at the Owner's option, following the conclusion of an inquiry into the source of the damage, as and if necessary by the Owners in its sole discretion:
(a) put it in working order
(b) reimburse the Owner the Equipment's equivalent value.

Obligations of the customers!

  • In order to retain the equipment in the best possible functioning state, the Customer shall maintain and keep it in excellent and considerable repair, shape, and appearance.
  • All equipment should only be used for the purposes for which it was intended, and it should be used with caution and common sense.
  • Respect all laws, ordinances, and directives of legally established authorities pertaining to the equipment's ownership, use, handling, and transportation.
  • Keep the equipment under your effective control and store it in a proper atmosphere when not in use.
  • Obtain any licenses or other authorizations needed for the usage, storage, or registration of a given piece of equipment and make sure it complies properly with any applicable rental policies.


  • Unless credit arrangements are made available to the Customer, payment must be made between thirty (30) days from the date on the invoice received.
  • The actual return date of the Instrument will serve as the basis for the final billing value. The Customer will be charged an additional if the equipment is returned after the return date noted in the order.
  • The Customer shall be liable for additional penalties if any payment is not received by the deadline for payment.
  • The final invoice will be created and submitted when the equipment has been returned; it will include any fees that are still owed for the whole rental period.
  • Any expenditures for disassembly, packaging, transportation, tolls, or shipping that aren't included in the Contract.

Change in terms & conditions!

If we change our terms & conditions, we'll let you know by posting a notice on the main page and even updating the privacy policy with the new date.

This privacy statement only applies to our internet activities and is applicable to data collected about website visitors. This policy does not cover information gathered offline or from sources other than this website.

Contact us!

You, therefore, accept our Privacy Policy's Terms and Conditions and give your permission to use our website. If you have any queries regarding the terms & conditions, contact us at info@migoo.in, and we would love to help you!